Samstag, 23. März 2013


Marc van Loo & Pak Ot & Nicolas Hunkeler

After meeting Pak Ot on Wednesday evening we got introduced to Florence Cattin, who designs "constructed wetlands". She joined us for the visit at Sarinbuana Eco Lodge, a nice little hide-away in the mountainous West of Ubud. If you would like to know more about constructed wetlands and how Marc would like to implement Florence's technologies in Loola Resort read the paragraph below. 

The owners of the Sarinbuana Eco Lodge, Norm and Linda, have designed all the houses in their premises themselves. They have also experimented with bamboo and invented a new bamboo-shingle roof which is not only appealing to the eye but also is less problematic than many
other roof structures. 

This blog is arranged in four topics:

1. Constructed Wetlands
2. The Houses
3. Living and Furniture
4. Roof, Drainage and Base Details

If you would like to find out more about the Sarinbuana Eco Lodge click the following link:


Florence Cattin, who was introduced above, is a recognized expert for sustainable waste water treatment. Apart from different solutions for the treatment of waste water she also explained various possibilities on how to cut down on water consumption by using new toilet technologies such as the "Urin Dry Diversion Toilet" (UDDT) which doesn't use any water and  the "Urin Diversion Toilet" (UDT) which uses only 15% of the water amount current toilets consume. Marc is considering to introduce the UDDT system in Loola as it also has an educational value beside the reduction of water usage. If you want to find out more about the "constructed wetlands" Florence is offering visit:


Norm's "Office-Hut" with bamboo shingles roof

Norm in front of the Yoga-Pavillion

Base of the Yoga-Pavillion

newly built Bamboo-House with the above mentioned bamboo shingles 

newly built Bamboo-House

Bedroom with nice view down to Kuta

Bedroom and Staircase

Living area next to the bed 


sitting area with pillows

bamboo cupboard next to the veranda

Living room next to bedroom at the "Treehouse"

Wooden chairs at the living room

cosy chair on the veranda

Living Room of the bamboo house

more pictures of the bamboo house


Norm also made us familiar with three important points that have to be taken into account when working with bamboo to increase its lifespan and avoid termites from eating it:

- Bamboo to be harvested at the end of the wet season
- Bamboo to be treated with boric acid
- Bamboo to be treated with smoke from time to time

bathroom details

base details: 
the water ring is keeping the bugs from 
climbing the concrete-base but has to be 
treated so it does not get mosquito-breeding

drainage details

railing at the "Treehouse"

Bamboo shingles

Bamboo shingles from below

close-up of the bamboo shingles

roof from below

roof detail at the bamboo house

close-up of the bamboo shingles


Pak Ot, Marc, Florence and myself at The Pond, Ubud, discussing Waste Water Systems

Norm and Florence at the "Treehouse"

Marc at the Bamboo House

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