Mittwoch, 20. März 2013


Marc van Loo & Nicolas Hunkeler

The visit to Bali offered us not only the opportunity to find out more about environmental friendly energy production solutions as offered by Pieter de Vries ( but we also got the chance to have a closer look into a place called Green Village. A Village which is known for its spectacular tropical designs.

Below you can see some pictures of one of the Villas at the site as well as an impression of the Green School which is situated nearby. 

The blog is arranged in three topics:

1. The House
2. Details
3. The School

If you would like to find out more about the Green Village or the Green School click the following links:

The green school is a powerhouse in terms of marketing, with hollywood celebrities and Richard Branson and the like chipping in in a big way. We met for a 3 hour visit with their PR chief, and there is a natural partnership here where green school would export its global brand to Loola to offer academic weeks at LooLa. Such a cooperation would potentially enhance both organizations (Loola is very strong in in character education, but we are not offering academic education, which is what Green school tries to do). The cooperation could hence lead to increased sales, which is good for the villa owners :-) Other than that, the architecture of the associated green village is superb, and it embodies tropical living, even though we learned after the visit that nobody knows how long the bamboo is going to last ...


Living Room seen from above

Living Room and Entrance, the little TV room is a very clever spot inside the living room

Living Room

Living Room and Laundry Area

Dining area, kitchen in the background, all fully integrated within the living room

Kitchen, fully integrated into the living and dining room



Bedroom, small, but giving the impression of being large on account on balcony and the wide open windows



Children's bedroom and toilet


Sinks, Marc likes these because they will look good even if things get a bit dirty over time

Cooling devices: Ceiling fan and Air-Con under the mosquitonet

Socket and Lamp

Structure and Joint

Toilet Drainage

Structural Detail

Structural Detail

Wall Detail and Bridge across Ayung River


The Heart of School and Class Rooms

Yoga Platform and Battery Storage. The yoga platform gives Marc the idea of what Minh's "floating house" could look like.


Courtyard at The Heart of School

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